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M1 Opening Scene Out Now!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Our Film Classification

Looking into the content of the BBFC and their guidelines (which can be found below), we have aimed to give our film the certification of 15.

The BBFC prohibits the use of discrimination (racism etc) in a 15 certification film, we were careful to avoid this in order to achieve the certificate we intended, as this would make our film an '18'.

Our film also incorporates the selling of drugs and suggested use, based on the BBFC's guidelines our film will still meet the requirements of a 15 certificate film by their standards.

The film would have also featured strong language, the strongest of which being the word, 'cunt' however as its use could not be justified, we have replaced it with another less offensive word in order to keep it at, the much more popular certificate of, 15.

Our film will features a few violent scenes necessary to the progression of the story. However these scenes will not show excessive/ strong gore or focus on the pain of the victim as such things would result in the film being classed as an '18'. Avoiding these meant we could keep our 15 certification.

Our film will not feature horror, sex, nudity or imitable behaviour.

Based on what we have discussed here we are confident that our film meets the requirements of a 15 film.

Certificate 18

Certificate 15

Certificate 12

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